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Forum Sefrengo.org _ Releases _ Sefrengo v1.4.2

Geschrieben von: bjoern Tue. 25. November 2008, 19:57

Sefrengo v1.4.2


Changelog - Ă„nderungen v1.4.2 zu v1.4.1

+ fckeditor update from 2.6.2 to 2.6.3 (bjoern)
+ updated french backend language files (harald)
+ updated mod: Contentflex 1.8.1 (bjoern)
^ index.php: API unload methode moved to the script end (bjoern)
# class.SF_UTILS_Mail.php: it was not possible to add attechements (bjoern)
# class.SF_PAGE_Pageinfos.php: source documentation corrected (bjoern)
# inc.plug_config.php, plug_settings.tpl: HTML table in Plugin config settings corrected (thx to STam)
# inc.lay_edit.php: CSS/JS files from the filemanager were shown as chooseable meta files (bjoern)
# inc.user.php, user.tpl: lost session if cookies are disabled and the backend user wants to use a selectbox option (bjoern)
# inc.user_edit.php: on creating a new user the field firm_email wasn't saved (thx to bkm)
# frontend.php: error redirect does not work by using mod_rewrite=1 support (bjoern)
# fnc.type.php: cms:tags with attribute mode="editbutton" returns all their contents in the frontend (bjoern)
# fnc.plug.php: plugin install/reinstall routine does not work properly in some cases (thx to STam, mvsxyz)


 sefrengo_v1_4_2.zip ( 3.1MB ) : 4283

Geschrieben von: amk Wed. 3. December 2008, 12:58

bitte nach dem update / der installation folgende datei in's backend/inc/ verzeichnis kopieren!

ansonsten kann es bei verwendung des dateilisten-features des moduls ContentFlex zu fehlermeldungen kommen.

 mod.contentflex_cache.php ( 53.34KB ) : 2314

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