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> Sefrengo 1.4 beta1 (V. 01.03.00), Erste beta version des 1.4 Zweiges
Beitrag Fri. 30. June 2006, 18:08
Beitrag #1


Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 1.092
Mitglied seit: 16.06.2006
Wohnort: Köln
Mitglieds-Nr.: 1

Sefrengo 1.4 beta1 (V.1.3.0)

Changelog gegenüber DeDi 1.0.1

Current versionnumber is  01.03.00  (Sefrengo 1.4 beta1) - released 30.06.2006
+ new setupdesign and functionality (Mistral, Axxxcel, Olaf)
+ add constant SF_SKIP_HEADER, if set no content-type header will sen in the inc.init_external.php (Björn)
# style select in fckeditor does not work (Björn)
# "generate urls for all" action does not work. (Björn)
+ new $sf_factory helper methods: sf_factoryCallMethod(), sf_factoryCallMethodCache() (Björn)
+ use new DbCache Class to generate  con_tree and con_side arrays - improves performance ~15% (Björn)
+ use ADO DB to generate con_tree and con_side arrays (Björn)
+ show ADO DB Querys in cms_debug object (Björn)
^ replace phplib::delete_cache() with DbCache::flushByGroup() or DbCacheflushAll() (Björn)
- remove all phplib query cache calls (Björn)
! phplib query cache is deprecated (Björn)
+ add new class DbCache in package UTILS (Björn)
+ new backendfeature: user can regenerate all spoken urls (if rewrite 2 support is activated) (Björn)
+ new class ArrayIterator in package UTILS (Björn)
# some minor fixes (Björn)
^ replace all $HTTP_* vars with $_(GET|POST|COOKIE|SERVER) vars (Björn)
+ add helper functions for sf_factory (Björn)
^ change API loader, method getObjectForced is deprecated, new method getObjectCache will replace getObject, getObject replace getObjectForced (Björn)
+ add package PAGE (Björn)
+ new classes Catinfos and Pageinfos in package PAGE - $con_side, $con_tree and $tlo_tree are produced in this classes. In a long wiew this classes will replace the global vars in the future. (Björn)
# typo in class.SF_HTTP_WebRequest.php - doesn't match magic_quotes_gpc = on (Björn)
# correct .htaccess error documents (syntax doesn't support full urls) (Björn)
+ possibility to define "real" custom 404 errorpage by using mod_rewrite=2 in the projectsettings. In this mode the apache (.htaccess as example) errorpage won't work anymore. (Björn)
# updatescript: backendmenu entry in table cms_backendmenu, field entry_url: replace value dedi_plugin with value cms_plugin (Björn)
+ Packages ASSETS and UTILS (Björn)
+ Class DbFile provides simple access and manipulation methodes for files in the filemanager (Björn)
+ Class mail provides advanced mime Mail features with possibility to send emails to usergroups or users. (Björn)
# validate $lang and $client as int  in class.values_ct.de (Björn)
+ add basehref config (Björn)
# by saving content strip trailingslashes if they occur in internal links (Björn)
# backend_lang choser for english and francais don't work correctly (Björn)
- kick old lang folders (Björn)
+ new  lang folders de, en and fr (Björn)
+ mod_rewrite spoken url support (automatic and manual generation) (Björn)
+ config option disable session by useragent (Björn)
+ config option disable session by ip (Björn)
# tar bulk-upload was not possible in filemangager (Björn)
# replace old <dedl:lay in some cms_values, like the layout template (Björn)
# Fix  MySql 5 problems (Björn)
+ add fckeditor 2.2 (Björn)
  # better support for nested html lists, but HTML code is still buggy/ not a valid nested list
  # correct height and width of some dialogs
+ frontend con_side sql optimization (Björn)
^ update projektvorlage (Björn)
- cms:tag dependency (Reto)
# don't accept global include_pathes any longer. Only in sefrengo registered pathes will work (Björn)
# update projektvorlage (Björn)
# In some cases the UTF-8  check routine crashes (API/HTTP/Attic/class.SF_HTTP_WebRequest.php) (Björn)
+ cms:tag date: formDateFormat functionality (Reto)
# Firerfox 1.5 doesn't show FCK Editor Toolbar in full width (640px) (Björn)
# automatic module update from "dediflex" and "deitag Eingabefeld" doesn`t work (Björn)
-  cms:tag time (Reto)
^ modify cms:tag date  time and date in one cms:tag (Reto)
# cms:tag img some fix for XHTML (Reto)
# all cms:tags fixe some span problems (Reto)
# fix utf-8  umlaut error  in perminvalid.php (and yes: the egnlish word for "umlaut" is "umlaut" :)) (Björn)
# fix wrong meta_fields in projectsettings (Björn)
# fix cms://'- Link convert problem - some empty links would be displayed (Björn)
# correct utf-8 convert problem in the mod default configs (Björn)
# fix wrong "path to backend " langstring (Björn)
# Ehrenrettung: searched string  "dirigent" and replaced with "sefrengo" (Björn)
# disable autocomplete for user forms - fierfox doesn't ask  for saveing formdata by creating new user/ edit user (Björn)
# if no mysql connect possible -> script dies. Prevent logfile overflow (Björn)
# if backenduser change client/ project in a pluginarea, redirect to area con (Björn)
# if backebnduser change project-language and the current area is an inline (single) plugin (like terminkalender), the plugin area wasn't lost and teh user is after changing language in the correct plugin area (Björn)
+ setup routine: disable autocomplete for mysql data form - fierfox doesn't ask  for saveing formdata  (Björn)
# setup routine tool utf9_convert: make utf8_converter mysql 4.1 compatible (Björn)
# cast lang and client in class.values_ct.php for security issues (Björn)
+ add js method to deactivate lang-sync select in inc.con_frameheader.php (Björn)
# correct lang codes in inc.clients.php (Björn)
# remove some old dedi vars (Björn)
# mod_rewrite urls on multiple language pages crashes (Björn)
# page copy function: user without admin permisson have side effects (Björn)
# mod_rewrite support: links of multi language pages crashes, if users current position is not the default language (Björn)
# plugin system: add broken setup routine for client_install.meta, client_uninstall.meta, client_update.meta (Björn)
#^ plugin system:  *.meta files handle php coder only, if the <?php starttag ist at the beginnin of one row. In the past, some sqls with contents like "foo<?php bar" crashes (Björn)
# plugin system: convert modules from iso8859-1 to utf-8 before import (Björn)
# setup: correct sql update for converting dedi to cms langstrings (Björn)
# add charset to setup templates (Björn)
- remove system settings for gd-version and imagemagick (Björn)
^ modify some imageconverter releated langstrings (Björn)
^ update projectvorlage.tar (Björn)
# update contentflex (Björn)
# in some cases changes in the doctype select (area design->lay) wasn't save (Björn)
# update PEAR - use standard PEAR PAckage and call the packages in the "standard way" without custom hacks (Björn)
+ add PEAR Quickforms (Björn)
+ if user upload files, replace troublechars in filenames like ' !ÄÖÜ' or SPACE with '-' (Björn)
# fix copy/ paste bug in fck editor - occurs in mozilla based browsers (Björn)
+ favicon for frontend/ backend (Alexxx)
# remove dedi comment from pluginvorlage.tar (Björn)
# cast $idcat, $idcatside for Security issues (Björn)
- remove domain cookie var from setup sql dump (Björn)
# correct path_seperator routine (Björn)
# cast $idcat, $idcatside for Security issues (Björn)
#^ stop supporting the session challenge feature (Björn)
# change cache routine sql INSERT INTO to REPLACE INTO (Björn)
# values_ct editor slashes quotes in system ans project settings (Björn)
# correct API path for frontend (Björn)
# Setup update makes a turnaround from step5 to step 1 if user updates a sefrengo version > 1.0.3 (Björn)
# securityfixes $cfg_client, $cfg_cms attack (Björn)
# fix repair_dependency (Roland)
+ new feature "content sync. from other projectlang, pagebased" (Björn)
+ new feature "copy page" (Björn)
# change $session->url to $session->urlRaw() in module updates (Björn)
^ change version number to 1.01.92 (Sefrengo 1.2 beta) (Björn)
+ add some standard mods (Björn)
# sefrengo displays double pagecontent on the same page  if <DEDIPHP> and <CMSPHP>  booth used the same time (Björn)
# converting dedi_perms to cms_perms in update routine (Björn)
^ remove 1.0.3 updatefile for lang - needless (Björn)
# correct dateformat in errorlog  - now shows the "numeric" day - new dateformat is YYYY-mm-dd (D) (Björn)
# solve sql error in cms:image tag form. Occurs if a thumbimage was chosen and backenduser change to the form view (Björn)
# custom hide folders for cms:tag image/ file doesn't work (Björn)
^ autostart feature in frontend have now access to $output var (Björn)
# drop autoadd {table_prefix} in sql statements - values like cms_perms crashes in use without the standardprefix "cms" (Björn)
# send default utf8 header in inc.content_external.php (Björn)
^  update projektvorlage (Björn)
+ add fckeditor 2.1.1 (Björn)
# correct updateroutine for insert the correct startlang (Björn)
^ remove old java wysiwyg editor files (Björn)
# fix http cookie showstopper (Björn)
^ dedi backward compatibility: (Björn)
  $dedi_db is reference to $cms_db
  $dedi_cfg is reference to $cms_cfg
  $dedi_mod is reference to $cms_mod
# updating an existing module does not work (Björn)  
# fix: wrong session cookie (Roland)
+ cookie domain setup (Roland)
+ cookie domain configuration backend/client (Roland)
+ updates for cookie domain support (client update needs test! - not implemented) (Roland)
! TODO: cookie domain on update
# fix import from [dediplugin] (Roland)
# correct cms:tag radio, checkbox, select for UTF-8 content (Reto)
# correct cms:tag checkbox default value behaviour (Reto)
# strip quotes and php code from metatags (Björn)
# make sourcepad utf-8 save (Björn)
# make ü to entitie in mod.contentflex.php (Björn)
# correct geramn spelling author to autor (Björn)
# correct js alert "Wirklich löschen?" with js entitie (Björn)
# a- tag bug around the username in header.tpl (right hand on the top of the backend) (Björn)
+ update script now handles container config.  configs will be encode to utf8, dedilinks will convert to cms://links (Björn)
# many fixes for the update routine (Björn)
+ integrate utf-8 converter to setup routine (Björn)
+ begin to add seperate sql update scripts for client and lang updates and a possibility to eval php update files (Björn)
+ add standalone utf-8 converter / deconverter script for mysql data (Björn)
# fix problems with trailing slashes in frontend meta tags in relation with HTML, XHTM (Björn)
^ update projektvorlage (Björn)
# take checkbox, radio, select modules to import area, remove parentid (Björn)
+ add fckeditor 2.0 (Björn)
^ change sefrengo links to cms links (Björn)
# now accepts https, http and ftp links in cms:link tag (Björn)
+ new perms for startlang and starttpl (Björn)
# check perms for startlang and starttpl (Björn)
# set startlang to first lang by creating a new client/ project and make utf-8 as default charset (Björn)
# update js popup functions (scrollbars in firerfox) (Björn)
# add entities for zurücksetzen langstring (Björn)
^ change mod_rewrite names from {IDLANG}side{IDCATSIDE} to page{IDLANG}-{IDCATSIDE} -> page1-3.html - same to {IDLANG}cat{IDCATSIDE} (Björn)
+ predefine error commands in htaccess.txt (Björn)
# if backendusers current position is area "lay_edit" and user switch to another project/ client, redirect to area lay (overview) (Björn)
# default layout now with title tag (Björn)
# overwrite choosen template with starttemplate by editing  folder (Editing -> pages) (Björn)
# fckeditoor doesn't load by using *x Systems (Björn)
^ update some standard mods / remove some - unfinished TODO (Björn)
+ add mod content:flex as standard mod (Reto)
# fix anchor hover bug in firerfox when user move mousepointer over inputvalues (Björn)
# fix border="0" bug in image function (Björn)
+ make utf-8 as standard charset for backend and frontend (Björn)
+ frontend supports utf-8 and iso-8859-1 cahrsets (Björn)
- remove all old wysiwyg editors (htmlarea1, htmlarea2, kafenio) (Björn)
+ add doctype choser for html 4.0.1 trans and xhtml 1.0 trans (Björn)
+ sefrengo produces valid XHTML 1.0 trans code (Björn)
+ WebRequest class - handels $_REQUEST parameters (Björn)
+ add save/ apply /cancel buttons in all areas (Björn)
+ add new cms:tags checkbox, radio and select (Reto)
+ picture preview for cms:tag image in for mode (Björn)
+ pick cms:tag items file, link, image with the ressource browser (Björn)
+ add adoDB classes (Björn)
+ add classloader/ API (Björn)
^ move metatag config from client to language settings (Björn)
+ new config area for language settings  (Björn)
+ browserspecific startlang (based on http header values from clientbrowser) (Björn)
+ choose startlang in projectsettings (Björn)
+ choose starttempalte in design-> templates (Björn)
+ "new lang action" copys all templates and content to new generated lang (Björn)
+ !!! TODO TRANSLATE !!! Singel-Login kann erzwungen werden mit 'force_single_login' (Roland)
+ !!! TODO TRANSLATE !!!Challenge verfügbar für alle Requests (Roland)
+ !!! TODO TRANSLATE !!!Login mit Challenge (Roland)
+ !!! TODO TRANSLATE !!!Session kann 'verlängert werden' um die Laufzeit  der Session wenn die Letze Nutzung nach 2/3 der Laufzeit liegt (Roland)
# !!! TODO TRANSLATE !!!FIX: Vulnerable 'doubble Login' -> siehe Feature, 'user Inject Session-Id' -> Session-Id min. 32 Zeichen + Session-Id darf nicht neu! sein,
  'Same Session-Id in Use' -> 2 User können sich keine Session-Id teilen (Roland)
^ !!! TODO TRANSLATE !!!Update: Alle DeDi Verweise in CMS konvertiert, alte DeDi-Schnittstellen werden per Referenz erhalten (Roland)
^ !!! TODO TRANSLATE !!!Fork from DeDi 01.00.02 to Sefrengo 01.00.02 (Roland)
^ deactivate setup- path tests for windows (Björn)
# # JS- Popupbug in backend "standard.js" - same problems like the frontend standard.js (Björn)
# Update Session - fix "accept any data as session" bug (STam)  
# Layout Testscreen in Setup (Reto)
# too many " in span (text, textarea, wysiwyg) (Reto)
^ Lists in BBCode (Reto)
+ add FCK Editor (Björn)
+ add Ressource Browser (Björn)
^ Make fck Editor to the dafault editor in a fresh installation in config.sql (Björn)
- remove htmlarea3 (Björn)
+ Add Setup- updatefile for Sefrengo 1.0.3 (Björn)
^ update mod deditag eingabefeld from 1.1 to 1.2 (Björn)
^ downgrade navigation from 1.1.1 to 1.1 (Björn)
# Error while saving/ updating data in class.values_ct.php.  Given parameters with quotes become slashes  if magic_quotes_gpc=off (Björn)
^ edit backandtitle from "01.00.01 p1" to "01.00.01 sf [bugfix_nr]" -> current is "01.00.01 sf3" (Björn)
# JS- Popupbug in "standard.js" - mozilla based browsers calculates false popup sizes (Björn)
^ Update "docs/update.pdf" . Please read when you would like to update your DeDi- installation (Björn)
- FEATURE: loginmodul 1.3.3sf hinzugefügt (Björn)
- FIX:  modulfehler bei array_multisort in der Modulkonfiguration angepasst
- MISC: mod_rewrite_support für dedi erweiterung entfernt
- FIX: reset menuheight in function createMenu() - otherwise in IE a display error occurs, if you call [first] a large menu and at [second] a small menu. (Björn)
- FEATURE: Bildpopupfunktion von Aki und saschapi für wysiwyg2 eingebaut (Björn)
- FIX: CSS-Editor-Unterstützung der Eingabe bei neuen CSS-Regeln (Jürgen)
- FIX: Seiten werden nun richtig angelgt, bei Benutzern, die nicht über das Recht Seiten/ Ordnertemplate konfigurieren, aber über Seiten/ Ordnertemplate auswählen verfügen. Das führte bis hetzt immer zu einer unbrauchbaren Seite. (Björn)
- FIX: HTMLAREA3 - Popupfenster zu klein, buttons/ funktionalität wurde abgeschnitten (Björn)
- FIX: HTMLAREA3 - einige fehlende Sprachstrings übersetzt (Björn)
- FIX: Insideediting Mozilla - editieren bei leeren Contentfeld war nicht möglich (Björn)
- FIX: Bei "wysiwyg mode = 3" wurde opera, etc. nicht berücksichtigt - jetzt fallback auf java- wysiwyg editor kafenio (Björn)
- FEATURE: Htmlarea3 an DeDi Desgin anpassen (Björn)
- FIX: Htmlarea3: deditag- feature attribut "indent" falsch zugeordnet (Björn)
- FEATURE: Sprachstring für HA3 Projekteinstellung hinzugefügt: 3= kein IE+ Mozilla (Björn)
- FEATURE: Neue Webgrabversion von kfo eingebaut (Björn)
- FEATURE: Modulupdates/ einige Module ugedated, einige neu, alte entfernt (Björn)
  Neue Module:
    - Categorywalker 1.0.3
    - Gästebuch 1.0
    - DeDiFlex 0.91
    - Dynamische Uhrzeit 1.0.1
    - Info 1.0
    - Login 1.2
    - Webgrab 1.4
    - Teaserbuilder 1.0.1
- MISC: Modulupdates in SQL eingespielt (Björn)
- MISC: Projektvorlage geupdated, wegen neuer Kafenio Dateien (Björn)
- FEATURE: in einige Verzeichnisse zur Sicherheit .htaccess Dateien mir "Deny from all" Regel hinzugefügt (Björn)
- FEATURE: Setup um Tests bei der Installation erweitert (Reto)
- FEATURE: mip_form Applikation für Dateien hinzugefügt "app_file" (Reto)
- FEATURE: textara-Tag -> transform=bbcode (Reto)
- FEATURE: file-Tag -> filesize, fmtitle, fmdesc, filetype,filename (Reto)
- FEATURE: image-Tag -> filesize, fmtitle, fmdesc, filetype (Reto)
- FIX: typegrop PopUp war fehlerhaft wenn nichts zum bearbeiten war (Reto)
- FIX: falsche Ausgabe beim Image-tag bei Kombination "editbutton" mit menuoptions="false" (Reto)
- FIX: original Bild ausgeben wenn kein Thumb vorhanden (Reto)
- FIX: blank-replace bug behoben (Karsten)
- FEATURE: Kafenio aktualisiert Version 0.8.5 (Reto)
- FIX: Abbruch beim installieren von Plugins (Roland)
- FIX: Thumbnail-Generierung für Option x-fest,y-skaliert bzw. y-fets,x-skaliert (Jürgen)
- FIX: CSS-Editor in französischer Version ohne Funktion wegen fehlender JS-Datei (Jürgen)
- FIX: Image-Anzeige im CSS-Regeleditor, Initalisierung des Editor angepasst (Jürgen)
- Update Projektvorlage (Björn)
- SECUIRTYFIX: Includeangriffe bei HTMLAREA3 (Björn)
- FRATURE: Inlineediting und WYSIWYG (HTMLAREA3) für Mozilla (Björn)
- FIX: Inlineediting Mozilla, Speichernbutton war nicht sichtbar (Björn)
- FIX: Schreibfehler in der robots.txt (Björn)
- FEATURE: nervige index.html aus dem Projektverzeichnis gekickt (Björn)
- SECURITYFIX: Angriff auf includes mit Variable bei register_globals = on (Björn)
- FEATURE: pagedDoubletAudit (Björn)
- SECURITYFIX: $code konnte manipulliert werden (Björn)
- SECURITYFIX: Variablen in config.php konnte von get/ post/ cookie Parametern überschrieben werden (Björn)
- FIX: mip_form apps cache erzeugte manchmal identische id's (Björn)
- FIX: app groups zeigt nur geuppen an, welche eine id > 3 hatten, jetzt id > 2 (Björn)
- FIX: Tar Archive (extract to lower case) (Roland)
- FIX: Fehlermeldungen Modul/Plugin Upload (Roland)
- FIX: Falsche verzeichnisanzeige nach Bulk-Upload (Jürgen)
- FIX: Titel beim Kopieren von Dateien (Jürgen)

Angehängte Datei  sefrengo_v01.03.00.zip ( 2.3MB ) Anzahl der Downloads: 1281

Es wird, es wird...
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Beitrag Fri. 14. July 2006, 09:52
Beitrag #2


Gruppe: AdvancedMembers
Beiträge: 1.708
Mitglied seit: 27.06.2006
Wohnort: Hansestadt Rostock, Deutschland
Mitglieds-Nr.: 9

mir ist gerade aufgefallen das in diesem release "pluginvorlage.tar" und "projektvorlage.tar" unter backend/tpl nicht das enthalten was sie enthalten sollten bzw. beschädigt sind.

cheers, Alex
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Beitrag Fri. 14. July 2006, 10:09
Beitrag #3

Advanced Member

Gruppe: AdvancedMembers
Beiträge: 853
Mitglied seit: 16.06.2006
Wohnort: Wien / Österreich
Mitglieds-Nr.: 2

steht auch schon in den bugs wink.gif

SEFRENGO | a free choice ... again!
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Beitrag Fri. 14. July 2006, 18:47
Beitrag #4


Gruppe: AdvancedMembers
Beiträge: 1.708
Mitglied seit: 27.06.2006
Wohnort: Hansestadt Rostock, Deutschland
Mitglieds-Nr.: 9

ZITAT(alexander @ Fri. 14. July 2006, 11:09) *
steht auch schon in den bugs wink.gif

zu spät bemerkt ... sorry ... ist ja auch nicht so 100% ein regulärer bug ... vielleicht könnte man hier jene tar's nachträglich posten ...

Der Beitrag wurde von amk bearbeitet: Fri. 14. July 2006, 18:48

cheers, Alex
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Beitrag Fri. 14. July 2006, 19:23
Beitrag #5


Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 1.092
Mitglied seit: 16.06.2006
Wohnort: Köln
Mitglieds-Nr.: 1


Es wird, es wird...
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